I am making a home inside myself. A shelter
of kindness where everything
is forgiven, everything allowed—a quiet patch
of sunlight to stretch out without hurry,
where all that has been banished
and buried is welcomed, spoken, listened to—released.
A fiercely friendly place I can claim as my very own.
I am throwing arms open
to the whole of myself—especially the fearful,
fault-finding, falling apart, unfinished parts, knowing
every seed and weed, every drop
of rain, has made the soil richer.
I will light a candle, pour a hot cup of tea, gather
around the warmth of my own blazing fire. I will howl
if I want to, knowing this flame can burn through
any perceived problem, any prescribed
any lying limitation, every heavy thing.
I am making a home inside myself
where grace blooms in grand and glorious
abundance, a shelter of kindness that grows
all the truest things.
I whisper hallelujah to the friendly
sky. Watch now as I burst into blossom.
— Julia Fehrenbacher, “The Most Important Thing” @ JuliaFenrenbacher.com via Live.Learn
Continui seria de 4 articole despre participarea la Conferinta pe tema maternologiei din Romania, intitulata - Conferinta de Sanatate Perinatala - Perspective Psihologice, Sociale si Medicale, organizata de Asociatia Franco-Romana “BébéBienvenu”- Pentru o noua nastere. Programul il gasiti aici.
Despre prezentarile din ziua 1 am scris aici: Ce am invatat la Conferinta de Sanatate Perinatala - partea 1 & Ce am invatat la Conferinta de Sanatate Perinatala - partea 2
Sesiunea 5 & 6 din a doua zi, partea III
Numele meu este Monica Miron, sunt specialist in terapia CranioSacrala si educator in psihologia prenatala si postnatala.
Te invit sa afli mai multe despre mine si serviciile oferite.