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Marți, 02 Martie 2021 11:51

The Principles – Art Project To the memory of Ray Castellino

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I started the second module of Prenatal and Perinatal Educator (PPNE) Certificate Program developed by APPPAH (Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health) in December 2020. The moment when I heard about the passing of Ray Castellino I was reading the „Interview with Ray Castellino, DC, RPP, RCST©, The Principles” by Kate White. It was a moment of getting in touch with his work and the Principles.

The principles were developed by Ray Castellino during his healing work with families, adults, children, babies and small groups and while he was running a clinic called BEBA (Building and Enhancing Bonding and Attachment). This project in the Ethics Module is dedicated to his memory.

I created an Art Project with simple drawings, metaphors for each principle, but connected by the symbols (ex. people as circles) and colors (ex. each person has his own personality, a different color).

Read more and view the drawings

„When utilized properly, the Principles create a safe container that supports the discovery, repair and integration of early trauma patterns in people of all ages.” (White, K., 2013)


1. White, K. & Bardsley, S. (2013). Ethical considerations in pre- and perinatal psychology education. Position paper, Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health.

2. White, K. (2013) Interview with Ray Castellino,DC, RPP, RCST© “The Principles,” Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 27 (4), 263-275.

3. Reagan L. (2020). Creating harmonic family resonance with birth psychology. An interview with baby whisperer Ray Castellino. psychology-an-interview-with-baby-whisperer-ray-castellino/ 

Citit 1405 ori Ultima modificare Marți, 02 Martie 2021 12:57

Terapie CranioSacrala & Terapii prenatale si postnatale

Numele meu este Monica Miron, sunt specialist in terapia CranioSacrala si educator in psihologia prenatala si postnatala.

Te invit sa afli mai multe despre mine si serviciile oferite.